

From NewCitizenship
When Bush the Decider claims unconstitutional powers and uses "signing statements" to negate U.S. law whenever he feels the rule of law is in the way of his leadership, he is remarkably similar to Hitler, the Führer, who told the Reichstag on Feb. 20, 1938: "A man who feels it his duty at such an hour to assume the leadership of his people is not responsible to the laws of parliamentary usage or to a particular democratic conception, but solely to the mission placed upon him. And anyone who interferes with this mission is an enemy of the people."

You are with us or against us.


North Korean Nuclear Test

Nuclear Test in North Korea that I predicted would occur (the opinions of the talking heads notwithstanding)

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Site Feed

I don't post here but I keep the blog around because it has a certain sentimental value to me, it was one of my first attempts at blogging. I may actually blog here someday. With that in mind I set up a site feed.